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What is WEB3

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Technologies that facilitate “complete” user ownership and control of: Platforms, Protocols, Applications, Data, Earnings and more!

Technology that facilitates "complete" user ownership and control of: Platforms, Protocols, Applications, Data, Earnings and more!

Web 2:

Corporation -> Server – > Person -> Data -> Loop to Front


Blockchain -> Protocol -> Person -> Data -> Corporation or DAO -> Loop to Front

In other words, Web3 allows for the management of online devices by the individual, instead of a giant server or corporation! No one. Except for you, can control or see what happens on your: Phone, Car, Internet Connection, Phone, etc.  As a perk. YOU profit instead of Google, Facebook, Verison, At&t or any other Big Tech company.



Corporation -> Server – > Person -> Data -> Loop to Front


Blockchain -> Protocol -> Person -> Data -> Corporation or DAO -> Loop to Front


LowFi aims to partner with local companies or individuals to assist with the setup of a free and open interconnected network!

Low Bandwidth. Self Managed. 

1. Expand a free and open network at high elevations or even rooftops. This network will not be controlled by any corporation or entity. It is owned. “By The People” 

2. By supporting LowFi you are supporting a small startup located in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. As a plus, we’re well connected, you’ll be updated on new technology as its released!

3. Of course you’ll get paid! By only sharing a fraction of your internet connection. Less than loading one or two websites a day. You could receive three times the cost of standard internet service.

Earn up to 50$ a month per device!

For Structures of any size


Location check

We will send a representative out to your location, to ensure the location of the antenna, router and miner is suitable for LoRa-Wan applications. 


The installation process should take less than one day to complete. The only two necessities are internet access and power.


Once the install has been completed, we often must tune your network settings to allow for communication between the Blockchain Network and local miner.

What Else can Web3 do

The Web3 Digital Currency Reward Modules are new but the industry is growing rapidly. The Helium Network allows us to provide rewards for contributing to a decentralized wireless network.

This is only the first drop in the bucket. We are working with and following other decentralized Web3 projects to enable monetization on other traditionally centralized networks like: Car Data, Weather Trackers, Air Purity Monitors, and much more!